In 1966 several ladies of Sacred Heart Parish in Gladwin had become involved in mission work. Together with mission circles in Coleman and Edenville, they formed a group that held rummage sales and raffles to provide funds to ship bandages to hospitals overseas for the war. This was the humble beginning of what is now Sacred Heart Mission for Gladwin County MI. The present Mission grew out of that early missionary effort and has become an integral part of Gladwin County. Due to growing needs, the Mission moved in 2010 from the small space attached to the Sacred Heart Activity Center to its current location in the at 220 S. James Robinson Drive, Gladwin, MI. This move dramatically increased the visibility and outreach to our communities allowing the Mission to provide assistance, food, affordable clothing and items for families through the Thrift Store. IN 2011 Sacred Heart Mission became a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.